Underage Drinking Defense Attorney

Miami Possession or Consuming Alcohol While Underage Defense Lawyer

Underage Drinking by a College Student is a Very Serious Offense and Can lead to Suspension or Expulsion from School

It may come as a surprise to know that, in Florida, if you are under the age of 21 and you are caught even holding a beer, you may be charged with breaking the law. In Florida, if you are under 21 years old, and found to either be in possession of, or consuming alcohol, you can be charged with underage drinking.

Being charged with underage drinking is very serious because the people who got arrested usually have to meet with the Colege or University as soon as possible. In many cases, it is a violation of the school's code of conduct and could result in suspension, expulsion or a permanent blemish on their college transcripts.

At The Criminal Defense Center PA, Mark A. Lefcourt, Attorney at Law, is well qualified to help you fight your underage drinking charges. With more than 28 years of experience serving those in Coconut Grove/Miami and surrounding areas, attorney Lefcourt is highly experienced with underage drinking cases and the most effective defenses, designed to counter such charges.

Florida Underage Drinking Laws

While some states may allow for exceptions to their underage drinking guidelines, Florida laws provide very little leeway. You may also find yourself in trouble if you:

  • Use a fake id to procure alcohol under the legal age — you may be charged with a misdemeanor or a felony depending on circumstances and defense strategy
  • Allow an underage individual to be in possession of, or consuming alcohol, in your home
  • Transport alcohol in your car while under the age of 21, even if it’s not yours.

If you are convicted, you will face fines, loss of your driver’s license and possible jail time. All these can have a severe impact on your employability and reputation. At the Criminal Defense Center PA, attorney Lefcourt has proven track record of successful client outcomes. His skilled and aggressive approach and knowledgeable legal strategy is aimed at protecting your rights and minimizing the impact such charges can bring.

Florida Underage Drinking Penalties

Underage possession of alcohol is a second degree misdemeanor in Florida and carries the potential punishment of imprisonment up to sixty days in jail for the first offense. In addition, the court is required to revoke your driver’s license for a minimum of six months and has the authority to increase this suspension to 12 months. If you’ve had a prior conviction of this, or other criminal charges, the penalties are likely to be more severe.

Contact The Criminal Defense Center in Coconut Grove/Miami

Contact The Criminal Defense Center to arrange for your free initial consultation. We will discuss your situation and help you find the legal solution that best suits your needs. Please contact us at: “(305) 567-1011.”